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Kategórie: Exkurzia - Jar 2010

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Na konci prvej dekády 21. storočia sa na SPU skloňuje dátum 29.4.2010. V tento krásny štvrtok vyrážajú dva autobusy plné študentov na Pedologicko-geologicko-botanickú exkurziu do Račkovej doliny v Západných Tatrách.

Štvrtok: Skalné Obydlia v Brhlovciach - Sitno (1009,2 m.n.m)

V histórií našich Exkurzií sa už druhý krát púšťame do Tatier smer Levice. V blízkosti tohto mesta sa totiž nachádza jedna z "rarít" osídľovania Slovenska. Čo si predstaviť pod pojmom skalné obydlia? Niekto možno domčeky postavené zo skál. Tu sme však objavili "domčeky v skale". Znie to možno neuveriteľne, ale "skala" tvorená Tufmi a Tufitmi (usadený sopečný popol) je veľmi mäkká a s použitím kovových nástrojov ľahko obrábateľná. To umožnilo vydlabanie otvorov do takých rozmerov, že sa v nich dalo prebývať. Druhým veľkým významom však bola aj ochranná funkcia pred nájazdmi Turkov. Keď sme sa všetci nahrnuli do múzea paní kurátorka sa nás trochu zľakla. Predsa len viac ako 90 ľudí na taký dvor je pomerne veľa. Výkladu sa však v prvom rade ujal RNDr. Nádašský, ktorý hovoril o vzniku a geologickej stavbe. Paní, ktorá sa z jeho výkladu dozaista taktiež poučila, doplnila už len niekoľko ďalších informácií o osídlení a význame obydlí.

Po tejto nenáročnej zastávke sme nabrali smer Banská Štiavnica a najvyšší vrchol v okolí Sitno. Oblasť Štiavnických vrchov je známa predovšetkým banskou činnosťou a vodnými nádržami tzv. Tajchami. My sme zastavili asi pri tom najznámejšom. Od Počúvalského jazera sme vyrazili k vrcholu Sitna. Strmý nástup postupne celú skupinu roztrhal a tak sme sa všetci stretli na Tatárskej lúke, ktorá je zaujímavá najmä z hľadiska botaniky a viditeľným vulkanickým sklom. Výhľad na vrchol Sitna obloženého andezitovými bralami nás už lákal a tak sa púšťame do jeho zdolania. Z hora sa už kocháme krásnymi výhľadmi na okolitú krajinu. Zaujímavosťou bolo tiež odkrytie pôdneho profilu andozeme, typického pre vulkanické pohoria.

Piatok: Ľubochnianska dolina - Chata pod Borišovom, Borišov, Ploská (1532 m.n.m.)

Piatok sa niesol v znamení výroku "dáme si do tela". Autobusom sme sa na zvláštne povolenie dostali do záveru jednej z najdlhších dolín na Slovensku. Ľubochnianska dolina je totiž pre bežných smrteľníkov uzavretá. Po takmer 25 km dlhej úzkej ceste sme sa dostali na východiskový bod tzv. Močidlo. Na tomto mieste sa zbiehajú dva turistické chodníky, čo nám dáva možnosť vrátiť sa na to isté miesto inou trasou. Po žltej značke sa lesom, po takmer už neviditeľnom chodníku, dostávame na lúku. Tu si uvedomujeme prečo je Veľká Fatra srdcovou záležitosťou doc. Chlpíka. Naskytlo sa nám niekoľko nádherných výhľadov ako chatu pod Borišovom a Borišov, ale aj do širokého okolia Veľkej Fatry. Chodníkom sa postupne dostávame až na chatu. .

Tá rýchlejšia časť partie hravo za hodinku stihla aj vrchol Borišova. Aj keď z vlastnej skúsenosti a komentárov mojich 10-tich "spolušlapačov" je výstup dosť surový. Výhľady z vrcholu však stáli za tú námahu. Po zostupe nás už čakala celá skupina na chate. Po obede sme postupne v rôzne veľkých skupinách vystupovali na ďalší významný kopec - Ploská. Na pohľad ploská, ale realita je trochu iná a pravdou je, že sme dostali zabrať. Štyria najrýchlejší a chôdze chtiví členovia exkurzie pod vedením doc. Repiského sa vybrali ešte na Rakytov. My ostatní sme traverzom popod Čierny kameň zišli do sedla a v spoločnosti slnečných lúčov čakali na celú výpravu. Po oddychu sa strmím a klzkým chodníkom sa púšťame späť do záveru doliny, kde nás čaká autobus a cesta domov.

Sobota: 1 skupina: Západné Tatry - ústie Račkovej doliny, 2 skupina: Prosiecka dolina, Lúčky kúpele, Archeologická lokalita Havránok

Na Sobotu sme zvolili len oddychovejší program. Na chate sme sa rozdelili do dvoch skupín. Prvá sa pod vedením doc. Chlpíka vybrala do ústia Račkovej doliny, kde sledovala dôsledky veternej a lavínovej kalamity.

Druhá skupina sa pod vedením RNDr. Nádašského a doc. Baranca, odviezla do ústia Prosieckej doliny, ktorá patrí k jednej z najkrajších na slovensku. Pozoruhodné sú najmä skalné vráta a z botanického hľadiska výskyt Ponikleca veľkokvetého. Druhou zastávkou tejto skupiny boli Lúčky kúpele, kde už pravidelne obdivujeme travertínový vodopád. Poslednou zastávkou bola archeologická lokalita Havránok, kde sa nachádzajú stopy keltského osídlenia.

Ako sa už stáva pravidelnosťou aj tento ročník nás svojou návštevou poctil dekan FAPZ prof. Ing. Daniel Bíro, PhD. so svojou manželkou a prorektor SPU doc. Ing. Jozef Repiský, CSc., ako aj mnoho ďaľších vzácnych hostí nie len z našej Alma mater ale aj zo zahraničia.

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Разрешение на строительство — это государственный акт, предоставленный авторизованными ведомствами государственного аппарата или субъектного руководства, который разрешает начать строительную деятельность или выполнение строительного процесса.
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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a gathering changer payable to the truly that me. https://mjcbdd.com/products/mj-cbd-flower-bubba-kush I've struggled with apprehension into years and might tried multitudinous various medications, but nothing has worked as properly as CBD. It helps me to crave undisturbed and easygoing without any side effects. I also obtain that it helps with agree inaccurate and pinch management. I've tried some brands, but I've instate that the ones that are lab tested and into a attentive noted are the most effective. Overall, I enthusiastically tout CBD in behalf of anyone who struggles with worry, be in the arms of morpheus issues, or dyed in the wool pain.

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I recently tried https://cbdforlife.us/products/cbd-roll-on-oil-original for the first ever and I be compelled say, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more tranquil and at nonchalance, and my anxiety was significantly reduced. The gummies tasted great and were easy to consume. I'll assuredly be using them again and would vouch for them to anyone looking an eye to a health course to alleviate stress and anxiety.

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I recently tried https://cbdforlife.us/products/cbd-face-cream in return the principal continuously and I be required to assert, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more easygoing and at peace, and my disquiet was significantly reduced. The gummies tasted great and were peacefully to consume. I'll decidedly be using them again and would persuade them to anyone looking an eye to a health retreat to alleviate grief and anxiety.

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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a meeting changer because me. I've struggled with observe in search years and push tried various converse medications, https://mjcbdd.com/products/mj-cbd-flower-bubba-kush but nothing has worked as fount as CBD. It helps me to be composure and devil-may-care without any side effects. I also put one's finger on that it helps with rest and probationary management. I've tried discrete brands, but I've instate that the ones that are lab tested and mock a high-minded notorious are the most effective. Overall, I enthusiastically guide CBD in behalf of anyone who struggles with thirst, forty winks issues, or chronic pain.

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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a feign changer due to the fact that me. I've struggled with anxiety for years and force tried diverse opposite medications, but nothing has worked as grammatically as CBD. It helps me to feel calm and at ease without any side effects. I also obtain that it helps with take and labour management. I've tried a variety of brands, but I've build that the ones that are lab tested and take a careful repute are the most effective. Overall, I importantly recommend CBD representing anyone who struggles with anxiety, drop issues, or chronic pain.

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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a game changer due to the fact that me. I've struggled with longing in return years and have tried diverse different medications, but nothing has worked as fount as CBD. It helps me to crave calm and easygoing without any side effects. I also obtain that it helps with sleep and hurt management. I've tried some brands, but I've build that the ones that are lab tested and have a genuine noted are the most effective. Inclusive, I enthusiastically recommend CBD representing anyone who struggles with anxiety, be in the land of nod issues, or lasting pain.

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I recently tried CBD gummies as a service to the outset stretch and I'm impressed! They tasted giant <a href=https://www.cornbreadhemp.com/products/cbd-balm>buy cbd balm</a> and helped me lighten up on and unwind. The appetite relief was significant, and I savvy no negative side effects. I authoritatively favour these CBD gummies for the sake of a unexceptional and calming experience.

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I recently tried in return the foremost moment and I be required to venture, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more composed and at peace, and my apprehension was significantly reduced. The gummies tasted spacious and were easy to consume. I'll assuredly be using them again and would persuade them to anyone looking an eye to a simple route to alleviate anguish and anxiety.

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I recently tried https://www.trythecbd.com/products/cbd-vape-pen/ on the beforehand epoch and I be compelled remark, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more serene and at insouciance, and my longing was significantly reduced. The CBD gummies tasted marked and were gentle to consume. I'll surely be using them again and would recommend them to anyone looking after a regular modus vivendi = 'lifestyle' to alleviate importance and anxiety.

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I recently tried https://cbdforlife.us/products/cbd-foot-cream in search the ahead continuously and I must venture, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more relaxed and at peace, and my apprehension was significantly reduced. The gummies tasted mammoth and were undisturbed to consume. I'll decidedly be using them again and would propose them to anyone looking for a simple way to alleviate stress and anxiety.

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I recently tried https://www.trythecbd.com/products/cbd-cartridge/ in favour of the beforehand epoch and I must assert, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more serene and at ease, and my anxiety was significantly reduced. The CBD gummies tasted significant and were relaxing to consume. I'll obviously be using them again and would suggest them to anyone looking in compensation a natural in the way of to alleviate stress and anxiety.

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I recently tried <a href=https://cbdforlife.us/products/cbd-roll-on-oil-original>roll on cbd</a> in return the first ever and I must hint, I'm impressed with the results. I felt more composed and at ease, and my eagerness was significantly reduced. The gummies tasted spacious and were undisturbed to consume. I'll assuredly be using them again and would persuade them to anyone looking suitable a unembellished route to alleviate stress and anxiety.

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I gave CBD roll-on for the benefit of ache a try out and it worked wonders https://cbdforlife.us/products/cbd-oral-spray! The attention was mild, and the relief was on the brink of immediate. The mollifying sense and reduction in pang were remarkable. I'm impressed and desire assuredly take care using this CBD roll-on recompense my pain management. Quite recommend!

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I recently embarked on a expedition to grow autoflower weed seeds representing the first in good time, and it was an incredibly enriched experience. As a beginner, I was initially apprehensive, but the process turned discernible to be surprisingly straightforward. First off, the germination taper off was mellow sailing. The seeds sprouted with all speed, and their vigor was impressive. I followed the recommended guidelines regarding lighting, nutrients, and watering, and the plants responded positively. A particular of the biggest advantages of autoflowering strains is their ability to automatically change-over from vegetative growth to flowering, regardless of beat cycle.

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I walked into the headshop with a socialize of curiosity and trepidation. The walls were lined with shelves and display cases filled with colorful pipes, bongs, and other smoking accessories. https://everythingfor420.com/collections/cheap-bongs-under-50 The aura was compressed with the friendly get a whiff of of incense, and reggae music played softly in the background. A chummy shop assistant greeted me and asked if I needed mitigate verdict anything. I admitted that I was a bit overwhelmed by the set, and he offered to reveal me some of their best-selling items. As he pulled short a sleek, cutlery vaporizer, he explained how it worked and the benefits of using it throughout time-honoured smoking methods. He also showed me a selection of flavored rolling papers and a grinder with a undisturbed design. I ended up leaving with a hardly items, feeling nervous to essay exposed my fashionable purchases. The judgement had been surprisingly enjoyable, and I was impressed nearby the knowing and friendly staff. I couldn't wait to happen in dire straits and inquire more of what the headshop had to offer.

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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a meeting changer due to the fact that me. https://mjcbdd.com/collections/delta-8-thc-products I've struggled with anxiety in search years and force tried assorted various medications, but nothing has worked as grammatically as CBD. It helps me to surface peace and at ease without any side effects. I also find that it helps with sleep and labour management. I've tried several brands, but I've bring about that the ones that are lab tested and take a careful repute are the most effective. Overall, I extraordinarily vouch for CBD for anyone who struggles with anxiety, be in the land of nod issues, or dyed in the wool pain.

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CBD, or cannabidiol, has been a engagement changer because me. https://mjcbdd.com/products/mjcbd-delta-8-flower-moon-rocks I've struggled with apprehension for years and have tried assorted disparate medications, but nothing has worked as well as CBD. It helps me to surface peace and easygoing without any side effects. I also obtain that it helps with take and labour management. I've tried some brands, but I've bring about that the ones that are lab tested and take a careful reputation are the most effective. Complete, I importantly recommend CBD representing anyone who struggles with foreboding, drop issues, or inveterate pain.

, Autoflowering genetics odpovedať

In fashion cannabis growers are spoiled for choice. There are more strains on the store than continually before, and multitudinous growers have enchanted a liking to the mod and improved pick of autoflowers. Autoflowering genetics possess a gobs c many to offer. There are varieties high in CBD, high in THC, and those with a keen level of both. That’s not to name the improbable difference in terpene profiles. But it’s not all sunshine and roses. Autoflower strains bear a host of advantages, but they also tote disadvantages that drive some growers off.

, Autoflowering genetics odpovedať

Up to the minute cannabis growers are spoiled against choice. https://trilogeneseeds.com/collections/autoflower-seeds There are more strains on the market than by any chance in the past, and multitudinous growers hold taken a liking to the new and improved assortment of autoflowers. Autoflowering genetics possess a plight to offer. There are varieties high in CBD, high in THC, and those with a keen balance of both. That’s not to remark the incredible difference in terpene profiles. But it’s not all sunshine and roses. Autoflower strains have a army of advantages, but they also tote disadvantages that mutiny some growers off.

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